No science 28-5-19

So as you tell by the title, we have no science today. We are in french at the moment. Your probably wondering why we have no science today. Well the reason we have no science is because the fifth graders have “the talk.” Now, you can probably guess what that is. Brings me back to last year when my class got “the talk” I personally knew everything already, so “the talk” for me, was more entertaining than educational. What I mean by entertaining was watching my classes expressions…It was hilarious! 


  1. Why didn’t we have science?
  2. What class were we in instead?
  3. Do you have any questions? if so ask Shane, she loves to answer questions.♦♠♥

Ph 6-5-19

So this is about a while ago, but I am just catching up on my blogs and have nothing else to write about. You may be wondering why the title is “Ph” and what that means. Well it it like the level of acid in our water. So we had to do an experiment, We would put a bunch of different things in a test tube and test the acidity of it.

Image result for test tube


  1. What is a Ph scale?
  2. What does a Ph test?
  3. What did we do?

Study hall 6-5-19

So today we are doing study hall, because of track. Sorry I should be more specific, I’m not in track. It’s just that everyone but me and Michael D is in track and therefore had to go to a track meet, leaving two of us in science class. So today since we can’t really start anything new because Shane will just have to explain all of it again to the rest of the class next time, and we can’t work on anything old because now were just counting down the minutes and probably won’t remember it. So now we are just doing study hall. I have blogs to catch up on so…Here I am.

Image result for library


  1. what are we doing today?
  2. why are we doing so?
  3. what am I catching up on?

Fish 6-5-19

So as you can see from the title this blog is called fish. Your probably confused… Well my class has been helping out the second graders do an art project for Grandparents Day. Grandparents Day is a day at our school where all of the children bring their grandparents to school to see what the students have been up to lately. So the second graders did an art project where they have to construct a fish out of clay, marbles, glitter, markers, etc.. They were also required to create a background made of construction paper, markers, paint, etc… Our job was to create a Stop-Motion video with them, to make it look like the fish was moving and talking. An animation basically.

Image result for animated fish


  1. Who did we do this project with?
  2. What class was this for?
  3. What day will this be presented?

Tapestry 5-1-19

Tomorrow is tapestry. Tapestry is when all of the grades and faculty at Pathfinder sing and dance to a theme onstage in Traverse City. My class is doing a basketball theme. I think all of us are pretty stressed today, so Shane let us take a day where we got to choose what we wanted to do during science class. I didn’t have all my blogs done so… Her I am writing.

Image result for theater


  1. What is tapestry?
  2. What is the sixth grade theme?
  3. What did we do in science?

Glogster 5-1-19

Glogster is a website that the sixth graders use to make a poster blog about an element.

On this website we must include who founded our element, how much our element costs, it’s atomic mass, etc….            My element is called Francium.  Francium is a radioactive element. If you have enough to hold in your hand, you’ll be a legend in the emergency room. If you get francium wet, it will explode. Francium is like a rock… an explosive, radioactive rock. 

Image result for francium


  1.  What is Francium?
  2. Is Francium dangerous?
  3. What is Glogster?