12/10/19 Yogurt

So a few weeks ago in science class, we made yogurt. It wasn’t as difficult as I expected it to be. First, We heat up milk and pick out two jars. Second, We mix two Tbsp’s of already made yogurt, and some of the milk into the jars. Third, We mix the two up in the jars, and put the jars in the refrigerator. Fourth, We take the jars out of the fridge after about 24 hours. Fifth, We take a small cup, fill it with your and honey, and then we eat the yogurt!

Image result for yogurt in jar


  1. Why does the milk have to be warm?
  2. What would happen if we left the yogurt in the fridge longer?
  3. Why do we need the two Tbsp’s of pre made yogurt?

12/10/19 Strep Throat

At the moment we are doing a bacteria unit in science class. Basically, we have to chose a bacteria or virus to research, draw, and make a Google Slide about. I chose Strep Throat. Strep Throat is caused by a bacteria called Streptococcal or Strep Bacteria. You can get rid of strep throat by keeping warm salt water in your mouth, drinking lemon juice in hot water, eating ginger, using mouthwash, etc.             In science class we have been making wanted posters for our virus/bacteria. We draw a picture of the bacteria itself and then we name the bacteria/virus and label it ‘wanted dead.’

Image result for strep throat bacteria


  1. Is strep throat a virus and a bacteria?
  2. Why does hot salt water and hot lemon juice kill strep?
  3. Can strep throat also be helpful?